Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Book Review

As I have mentioned, I am obsessed with children's books. I love collecting them and reading them to my kids. We often go the library and check out books, and then I go buy the ones that are extra special. A perfect children's book can be hard to find! I always buy my books on www.half.com where you can purchase gently used books (or new if you want) at a much cheaper price. Every so often I will post one of our favorites. Here is one for today....

Leonardo the Terrible Monster is a book with simple, clever text and effortless illustrations. Leonardo is a terrible monster because he can't scare ANYONE! Not only will it keep their attention, but it will have them laughing. This is a wonderful book for teaching children about emotions and using "feeling" words. We love it! Let me know what you think!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Precious Are the Days

My first baby just turned 5 years old. I spent the first two weeks of his life soaking his jammies with tears. I was a wreck over the mere thought of him growing up. I remember sitting in the back seat of the car when he was three days old and my husband ran into the store. The second the car door shut, I bawled. I buried my face in his little tiny body and cried, "Don't grow up!!" He was three days old, and already his life was going too fast! By the time my husband returned I had managed to pull myself together, fearing that he would think I had gone off the deep end if he saw me crying over a three day old baby that was already too old. It felt like I loved him so much that it hurt. These little out bursts of emotion continued through his first year of life. When he turned two years old, we moved him into his big boy room. After tucking him in and kissing him goodnight, I laid on my bedroom floor and sobbed again, just as I had in the back seat of the car. How was my baby boy already tucked into a bed that was far too big for his little body?! How had red fire trucks replaced baby blue stars? How was I already packing away the sweet little crib bedding that I had so thoughtfully picked out for him when he was still in my tummy?

I always knew that having a child would change my life. I used to joke about all the movies we wouldn't see, the sleep we wouldn't get. I understood completely the limitations that a baby would bring. What I didn't comprehend was the change inside a mother the moment she holds her baby in her arms. It is a love unlike any other. It is a raw, visceral, protective love that transcends time, distance, and opposition. A love that brings tears on the first day of preschool when your baby walks away with his backpack that is almost as big as he is. A love that allows you to hold him in your arms at 3:00 in the morning as he is throwing up, with absolutely no thought of your own discomfort. A love that makes every trip without him exciting to come home from. A love that has you trapping wolf spiders in the corner of your garage into a mason jar and catching moths at dusk to feed the praying mantis. A love that keeps you smiling, that keeps you young, that keeps you flipping on the tramp and building villages out of sand. I love being a mother. It is my calling and my joy. I am convinced that these are the best days of my life, and I am aware that they are fleeting. Precious are the days when your children are in your home, giving them evening baths and slathering them with lotion and reading their favorite bedtime story. When you become a mother, your life is no longer yours. As Elizabeth Stone so eloquently put it: “Making the decision to have a child - it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. ”   I couldn't have said it better.

So fast forward to the age of 5. I thought I would be emotional and nostalgic. (I am always a little nostalgic, so nothing has changed there!) But I am actually so excited for my big boy! No more tears! I am learning that seeing him grow up is not as terrifying as I once thought. :) I love that we can have conversations, and we have the same sense of humor.  I love that I can teach him things that my dad taught me; about nature and bugs and Velcro. And about being respectful and kind, and appreciating people for their differences. I love watching him learn and grow. I love that I am now the author of his childhood, just as my parents where the authors of mine. And now that he is 5, he might actually remember the memories that we are making in his book of life.

One last word of wisdom from a mother with a FIVE YEAR OLD!!! When people warn you that it will go fast, they are right. But with every stage comes even more joy and fulfillment. I wish "they" had told me that too!

Lindsey Marie

Friday, September 6, 2013

Here I Am.

I have always wanted to blog, but a few things have been holding me back. Time. Fear of vulnerability. Lack of any technical savvy. But at the end of each day I lay in bed with a smile on my face, reflecting on this crazy fun chaotic life I live. I want to write about my experiences as a mother with young children, as a wife, as a Christian, as a homemaker, and a licensed speech and language pathologist.  I want to write candidly about my strengths, weaknesses, trials and triumphs. I consider myself a good person and a great mother, but I make mistakes often and learn from them. And in the end, if I end up being the only person who benefits from this blog, then it is worth it. :) I love to read, and even more to write. I aspire to be an author one day, and this is where my journey begins.

As I write, I am going to pretend like I have "readers." Maybe you will come! Maybe I will only have one. (Hi Mom!!) I am excited to meet women, readers and bloggers, who share similar interests and passions.

So here is my first post. A little about the person I call Me. Loves...  Any time I can get with my husband. My three babies. Chocolate. Horses. Fresh garden produce. Birthdays. Thai food. Children's books. Seafood. Reading.  The Notebook. Alone time. Cooking. Cheesecake Factory. Creating jewelry. Chocolate. The beach. Apothecary. Anything Italian. The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Dancing in my kitchen with my little princess. The Help. Red candies. Teaching. Cuddling in bed with babies of all ages. Carmel Frappuccinos. Mint brownies. Traveling. Photography. Chocolate. The Aquarium. Gerber Daisies. Decorating. Overall theme, I love food.  My dislikes are few, but strong. Red meat. Mean people. Fast food. Chemicals, especially in my food. Hot dogs. Elevators. Spiders. The feel of carpet on my hands. Littering. Grumpy people at customer service desks.

That's me in a nutshell! Signing off, I must go retrieve my little Jada who has gotten herself stuck in the baby's bouncer. :)

Lindsey Marie

Warning: Toddlers in pictures are not as grumpy as they appear.